Pelican Village Cinema

We talked about streaming video live and in sync before, in a dedicated tutorial describing our video system (vjing live and in sync in second life) using Icecast and OBS.

Obviously, the system not only allows you to run live VJ sessions, but also to play any video you have available and view it with an audience of people, in sync.

So every now and then in Pelican Village we watch some cartoons (favorite is Tintin) or a movie.

However, it is not a system for our exclusive use, anyone who needs to produce a live video session in sync just says so and we will organize it.

If you’re interested in seeing how this works, a screen is currently at the Pelican Village Perch, but you’ll find that all you need in Second Life is a simple MOAP, any prim.

Drinking a coffee at Pelican Village waiting for the movie start.